The China International Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show (CISMA) will be held from September 25th to 28th, 2023. As a global leading provider of intelligent plant solutions, INA Intelligent Technology (Zhejiang) Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as INA) sincerely invites you to visit and witness this international event. 为方便国外观众参观考察,CISMA2023展会主办方中国缝制机械协会联合专业团体,召开为国外观众办理邀请函的业务工作。邀请函的签发将严格按照国家和有关部门的相关规定,请有需要的观众和用户提交相关证明资料,以保证本次参观考察的顺利进行。 To facilitate the journey of visitors from abroad, China Sewing Machinery Association (CSMA), the organizer of CISMA2023, will process invitation letters for international visitors with the help of our trustworthy partner. To proceed with the application, international travelers are required to submit relevant documents including but not limited to the following as per the applicable laws and regulations enacted by the government and pertinent authorities. 申办材料清单: List of required documents: 1、邀请函申请人信息汇总表 2、邀请函申请表 3、邀请函申请人背景资料 4、邀请函申请人保证信 5、邀请函申请人护照复印件 6、申请人现任职公司简介 7、申请人现任职公司营业执照 所有信息收集齐全、核实无误之后,请统一打包发送至,由九游会J9整理完毕后,统一发送至主办方。 1. Personal Information about Invitation Letter Applicant 2. Application Form of Invitation Letter 3. Background Information about Invitation Letter Applicant 4. Guarantee Letter by the Applicant 5. Passport Copy of the Applicant 6. Profile of the Applicant's Company 7. Business License Copy of the Applicant's Company *After collecting all the information and verified, please consolidate and send it to INA will finalized it and send to the organizer. 温馨提醒: A warm note: 1、相关资料经协会外事专员及专业机构审核后,如符合要求将出具邀请函,邮费须申请人自理。 2、邀请函办理周期约两个星期(自提交申办材料之日起),确切办理时长以具体情况为准。鉴于申办周期较长,请需要的用户尽早给予相应资料,以免延误行程。 3、同一家国外企业仅允许不超过5人申请邀请函。特殊情况下,如需进一步补充材料,将另行通知。 1. All the submitted documents will be reviewed by the secretariat and its partner, no invitation letter will be issued if your documents don’t meet the requirements herein. You will have to bear the shipment fees and relevant duties (if any) on your own if you request the original invitation letter. 2. It will take about two weeks to issue the invitation letter as estimated (counting from the day when we submit your documents to relevant agency). And the period may vary from case to case. Since it’s a time-consuming process, anyone in need of invitation letter shall prepare and submit the above-mentioned documents ASAP. 3. A single foreign company can apply for invitation letters for no more than five employees. The applicant may be required to submit supplementary files depending on particular situations, you will be notified in such case. 咨询电话: Inquiry: 九游会J9服务热线:400-6727108 邮箱 Tel:400—6727108 文件格式、签字盖章、访华记录、中英文等具体填写要求见《邀请函申办材料清单》,清单及申请资料下载请点击阅读原文。 For details about file format, signature and company seal, language, etc. and sample forms and sheet, please visit the following link (a safe link, no spam worries) to download the same.